NUPAD 1988 Proceedings
- R. Anholt, T.W. Sigmon:
"Gallium Arsenide Transistor Engineering Models: GATES";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 57 - 58.
- M. Artaki:
"The Electric Field Gradient in Device Simulations";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 62 - 64.
- R.R. Bank, J.F. Bürgler, W. Fichtner, R.K. Smith:
"A New Discretization Scheme for the Semiconductor Continuity Equations";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 45 - 46.
- D.A. Bernard:
"Simulation of Focus Effects in Photolithography";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 14 - 15.
- C. Buckley:
"Automatic Triangulation of Non-Trivial Three-Dimensional Domains Using Multiple Element Types";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 43 - 44.
- D.Y. Cheng, C.G. Hwang, D.R. Allee, R.F. Pease, R.W. Dutton:
"Hot Carrier Analysis in Sub-0.1μm GaAs MESFET";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 55 - 56.
- J.H. Chern, L.A. Arledge, P. Yang, G.S. Samudra, R.M. Roberts, R.E. Jewell:
"SIERRA - A 3D Device Simulator for Reliability Modeling";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 25 - 28.
- P. Ciampolini, A. Pierantoni, A. Gnudi, M. Rudan, G. Baccarani:
"Adaptive Refinement Preserving the Quality of the Initial Grid";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 41 - 42.
- W.M. Coughran, W. Fichtner, E. Grosse:
"Extracting Transistor Charges from Device Simulations";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 32 - 34.
- A. Das, M.S. Lundstrom:
"Modeling Electron Injection across Semiconductor Barriers in VLSI Devices";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 59 - 61.
- R. Fair, C. Gardner, M. Johnson, S. Kenkel, D. Rose, J. Rose, R. Subrahmanyan:
"Two-Dimensional Modeling of Implant Damage Effects on Impurity Diffusion";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 77 - 78.
- J.G. Fossum, H. Jeong, D. Fitzpatrick, A. Pollock:
"Mixed Mode SPICE Simulation for Advanced Bipolar TCAD";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 74 - 76.
- C.L. Gardner, J.W. Jerome, D.J. Rose:
"Numerical Methods for the Hydrodynamic Device Model";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 50 - 51.
- M.D. Giles:
"Defect-Coupled Dopant Diffusion at High Concentrations";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 4 - 5.
- A. Gnudi, F. Odeh, P. Ciampolini, M. Rudan, G. Baccarani:
"On the Discretization of the Hydrodynamic Model of the Semiconductor Equations";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 19 - 20.
- S. Goodwin-Johansson, R. Subrahmanyan, C.E. Floyd, H.Z. Massoud:
"2D Impurity Profiling with Emission-Computed Tomography Techniques";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 11 - 13.
- G. Hobler, S. Selberherr:
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Ion Implantation into Two- and Three-Dimensional Structures";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 8 - 10.
- C.G. Hwang, A. Yabuta, D.Y. Cheng, R.W. Dutton:
"Modeling of Hot Carrier Effects for 0.5 Micron MOSFETs";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 23 - 24.
- W. Kausel, G. Nanz, S. Selberherr, H. Potzl:
"BAMBI - A Transient Two-Dimensional Device Simulator Using Implicit Backward Euler's Method and a Totally Self-Adaptive Grid";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 65 - 67.
- S.E. Laux, M.V. Fischetti:
"A Two-Dimensional Device Simulator Coupling the Poisson Equation and Advanced Monte Carlo Transport";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 52 - 53.
- Y.L. Le Coz, A.L. McWhorter:
"Semiconductor Device Simulation - A Spectrai Method for Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 17 - 18.
- J.J. Liou, J.S. Yuan, W.R. Eisenstadt:
"Two-Dimensional Emitter-Base Junction Capacitance for Bipolar Transistor Circuit Simulation";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 68 - 70.
- B.J. Mulvaney, J.R. Richardson:
"PEPPER - A Process Simulator for VLSI with a Non-Equilibrium Kinetic Diffusion Model";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 1 - 3.
- Y. Nagase, K. Hashimoto, H. Goto, T. Nakadai, T. Nawata, T. Takada:
"Analysis of Bipolar Transistor's fT-IC Characteristics by Two-Dimensional DC and AC Device Simulation";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 71 - 73.
- M. Sharma, G.F. Carey:
"Semiconductor Device Simulation Using Adaptive Refinement and Strearnline Upwinding";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 39 - 40.
- T.-L. Tung, D.A. Antoniadis, J. Connor:
"Modeling Stress Effects in Thermal Oxidation with the Boundary Element Method";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 6 - 7.
- F. Venturi, R.K. Smith, E. Sangiorgi, M.R. Pinto, B. Ricco:
"A Self-Consistent Monte Carlo Simulator for Deep Submicron MOSFET";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 21 - 22.
- D.S. Wen, S. Goodwin-Johansson, C.M. Osburn:
"A New Technique for Investigating Transient Latchup in CMOS Dynamic Circuits";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 29 - 31.
- K.-C. Wu, R.F. Lucas, Z.Y. Wang, R.W. Dutton:
"New Approaches in a Parallel 3D One-Carrier Device Solver";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 47 - 49.
- H.R. Yeager, R.W. Dutton:
"Improvement in Norm-Reducing Newton Methods for Circuit Simulation";
Talk: Conference, San Diego, CA, USA; 1988-05-09 - 1988-05-10; in: "Proc. of NUPAD", (1988), 35 - 38.