On Monday, September 5th, 2022, two workshops will be organized in conjunction with SISPAD 2022. The workshops will take place at the SISPAD 2022 conference venue (Granada Conference Center) with a half-day structure so that both will run in series (WS1 during the morning and WS2 during the afternoon). This arrangement allows to register for one of them, or for both, benefiting in this case from a substantial reduction in the inscription fee. Registration cost for a single workshop (WS1 or WS2) is 60 Eur, while registration for both is 70 Eur. Regardless of the type of registration chosen, attendance includes lunch and coffee breaks.

The registration procedure for these workshops will be announced once the regular registration for SISPAD 2022 becomes available.


(The Conference Venue has still available slots and spaces for additional Tutorials or Workshops on September 5th and 9th. In case of being interested in organizing one, contact the SISPAD Organizing Committee so that a competitive budget can be offered adapted to the specific requirements of the event.)